Tuesday, 6 September 2011

love is in the air...

Today was Labour Day, and like most of the other academics in US and Canada (where Labour or Labor Day is commemorated today) whose fb statuses I saw, I spent most of it parked up at my desk working away. Labouring away. Finishing a few labours of love.

I was just starting to get a bit of cabin fever when Toronto friend Sarah rang up to see if I'd like to meet her and other Toronto friend Ash for sushi at a nearby place in half an hour... and as I walked the barely ten minutes along busy pretty city streets, I fell in love with Toronto a little bit more.

Sarah told us about a hilarious blog she'd been reading about a woman and her grandmother who are both internet dating. I've been reading it tonite (and listening to the hilarious voice messages from the grandmother which are posted in the blog) and it has been cracking me up! Thanks Sarah for putting me in touch with a great blog: http://grannyismywingman.com/ ... the girl and her granny intergenerationally and hilariously (and honestly) face the dramas, excitement and traumas of actively looking for someone to love.

That's three aspects of love. Is there a fourth? Love for Alice? Someone for Alice to love? Is this te tau aroha and well as te tau okioki?

I hope so.

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