Saturday, 14 April 2012

a red ribbon for chardon

In late February this year, the only high school in this small town in Ohio was the site of a shooting. A young man opened fire in the school cafeteria: three students were killed, two seriously wounded, and one (the guy with the gun) will be tried as an adult for his crime.

All around Chardon, people have wrapped red ribbon and bows around the trees outside their homes. Flowers, ribbons and signs around the band rotunda in the centre of the town square make a place of reflection, mourning and memory.

This is a town in shock, grief and pain - and while we have had a wonderful and warm time here in Chardon, the effect of that morning not yet two months ago leaves a quiet frost around the edges of the frame.

So, a moment's silence for Chardon tonite: for its victims, its families, its people. All of its people. A red ribbon for all of them.

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