Monday, 4 June 2012

dispatch from NAISA #1

Yesterday afternoon we drove from Canada to the USA, and today we drove from the USA into Mohegan, the sovereign territory of the Mohegans. As a reservation, it is both a construction of the US state and an enactment of Mohegan self-determination and self-governance.

We're staying at Mohegan Sun, the gigantic hotel/ casino here on the reservation, and it's totally overwhelming. As in glitzy, flash, enormous... This afternoon we were at a much simpler, altho no less beautiful (actually, to my aesthetic, far more beautiful) tribal government offices where they hosted a 'strawberry social' with dancing and some craft vendors and delicious food. An event with local people, including elders and kids and everything in between, the social was great!

I'm sleepy tonite, after catching up with so many dear friends and I'm looking forward to meeting up with so many more over the next few days.

Uh oh. The welcome here at the conference centre part of the casino (yes really!) starts at 8am so I better get some sleep... zzzzzzz....

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